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Rice Hush Puppies

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These hush puppies are made with rice for extra flavor and texture.

Recipe Prep Time
Prep Time
20 min
Recipe Cook Time
Cook Time
Recipe Ready Time
Ready In
40 min
Recipe Servings


2 cups cooked Riceland Plump & Tender Medium Grain Rice, cooled

3 cups self-rising cornmeal mix

1 16-ounce can cream-style corn

2 eggs

2/3 cup milk

1/4 cup chopped green onions

2 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

Vegetable oil for frying 


In a large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients until well-combined. 

Fill a large stock pot or heavy skillet with 1- to 2-inches of oil; heat oil to 350°F. Drop hush puppy batter by tablespoons into hot oil, four or five hush puppies at a time. Cook, turning once, until deep golden brown. 

Use a slotted spoon to remove hush puppies from oil. Drain on paper towels. Serve warm. 

Recipe Tip

Don’t have access to self-rising cornmeal mix? No problem! One cup self-rising cornmeal mix = 1 cup cornmeal + 2 teaspoons baking powder + 1/2 teaspoon salt.


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