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Waldorf Salad

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This classic salad is perfect as an appetizer or light meal.

Recipe Prep Time
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15 min
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Recipe Servings

8 cups of apples, chunked (approx 8 apples)
2 cups chopped celery
2 cups raisins or red grapes
2 cups walnuts, halved
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1 cup "real" whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Place fresh apple chunks in a large bowl. Add raisins, celery, grapes or walnuts. Stir together and set aside.

In another bowl, beat whipping cream until firm peaks are formed.

Gently stir sugar, vanilla and cinnamon into the whipped cream.

Fold the whipped cream into the yogurt and gently stir into the. above mixture.

Serve chilled on a crisp lettuce leaf bed and garnish with two fresh apple chunks.


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