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Roasted Sweet Garlic and Almond Soup

Presented by:
Blue Diamond
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Sweet and creamy and perfectly delicious.

Recipe Prep Time
Prep Time
35 min
Recipe Cook Time
Cook Time
Recipe Ready Time
Ready In
35 min
Recipe Servings

10 to 12 cloves garlic
2 heaped cups blanched almonds
5 ounces (4 to 5 slices) sourdough bread, crusts removed
1 cup low-fat milk
1 to 2 cups chicken stock or water
A drizzle of sherry vinegar
A drizzle of Tuscan extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
A small bunch of green grapes, quartered
A few sprigs of fresh marjoram, chopped

Preheat the oven to 400F. Bake the garlic cloves for about 20 minutes or until soft. Break the bread into smaller pieces, then drizzle and soak in the milk.

Using a food processor blend the almonds until good and fine, and have almost stuck to the side of the bowl.

Throw in the soaked bread and the soft inside of the roasted garlic, add a little chicken stock or water and blend. When you have a fine puree, gradually add in enough stock or water to make a thickish soup consistency.

Finish by seasoning with salt and pepper, and a good drizzle of sherry vinegar and olive oil. You can garnish with some quartered green grapes mixed with chopped marjoram on top.

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